Kosaku's Pocket Monsters manga | Bulbagarden

I'm one of the few western people in the world who happens to really like Kosaku Anakubo's Pokemon Pocket Monsters manga, or at least the looks of it. Unlike the more popular and famed series such as Special, Pocket Monsters is vastly different being chiefly a gag manga that follows the never ending journeys of Isamu Akai and his idiotic, rude Clefairy, more capable Pikachu, and for a time, his Tyrogue as well.
Basically, this series: Pokémon Pocket Monsters - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia
Pocket Monsters, in my opinion, is genius. I love gag manga, even the ones that are profane since I personally find profanity to be hilarious, and I especially love how Kosaku had interpreted the Pokemon differently in his drawings. Even Rattata looking like a generic cartoon mouse is amusing to me.
I can't say however that I really like the newer series of the manga though, especially starting with the RSE series. The Pokemon were then depicted a little more "official", probably to appeal to more audiences, and the art style overall seems quite different. Clefairy looks different and more "square'ish", and Pikachu looks like... Pikachu. I definitely prefer the older art style of the manga's Gen I days.
Unfortunately, as much as I like to call myself a 'fan' of the manga, I have not read a single page of it, but if I had a chance, then yes I definitely would. Unfortunately my household doesn't like the idea of online ordering, so it's not like I can purchase the English editions from Singapore, and I also wouldn't want the series to be licensed for North American release because then the manga would be butchered by edits and censors. But at least I can admire the series for what it is and how different it is compared to other Pokemon manga.
Anyway, this thread is for discussion of the awesomely amazing Pocket Monsters manga, whether you love it or hate it (which I'm sure applies to the majority of fans). Discuss~