Star Wars fans share the bizarre canonical revelations burned deep into their brains

Some things you just can’t unlearn. In the 45 years since A New Hope, a mountain of useless Star Wars trivia has accumulated around the franchise courtesy of novelizations, comics, video games, and a mountain of nerdy reference books.
Recommended VideosNow, fans have identified some key pieces of information that mark you as a true fan – and once you know them, you’ll never be able to forget them.
The top-voted reply is knowing what Anakin really went through at the hands of Emperor Palpatine after Revenge of the Sith:
And that the Vader suit is purposely designed to inflict pain upon Anakin:
There’s also a shocking revelation about what the cute n’ cuddly Ewoks did after defeating the Empire in Return of the Jedi:
Yup, those teddy bears have teeth:
Luke got lucky:
We implore you not to fall down the bizarre ‘Bigger Luke’ rabbit hole:
Even knowing about Splinter of the Mind’s Eye makes you a true Star Wars head:
It’s safe to say knowing that the Cantina band’s music is (unfortunately for British fans) known as “Jizz” means something:
For our money you only really get your fan badge when you’ve suffered through the entire Star Wars Holiday Special:
Playing the old Knights of the Old Republic games is a must for anyone wanting a great Star Wars story:
But perhaps this one might take the cake for useless and weird knowledge:
There’s a veritable mountain of this kind of stuff, and now all of the above is inside your brain forever.
Whether you now feel like a real Star Wars fan is up to you, but if you knew all of this stuff already, it may be too late for help.